January Human Trafficking Awareness Month | Be Aware and Share

Human trafficking and exploitation is an issue that touches every community, including cities, suburbs, and rural towns, but there is something each of us can do to help prevent it.

Each year, during the month of January, survivors, advocates, organizations, and community members unite to raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking.

The U.S. Government also recognizes this month, and National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, January 11th, each year, with a proclamation and sharing of tools and resources to learn more about the issue (see resources below).  

Human trafficking is a crime and it affects all populations: adults, children, men, women, foreign nationals and U.S. citizens, and all economic classes. Putting an end to human trafficking starts with acknowledging its existence.  

BE AWARE and informed about the issues surrounding commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking and SHARE the resources that we will provide with your networks. 

This month, Terebinth Refuge will be sending educational emails and resources to Be Aware and Share.  

Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook for more information.

Chris Saloka